Meeting notes from 3/30. In attendance: Amanda, B, and Kelda. Ate split
pea soup and talked a lot about kids, social justice, art, and projects.
Low numbers at meetings sure doesn't mean any less enthusiasm!
We missed a lot of you and hope to see your happy faces at the event below!
April 12 Daffodil Parade. Rendezvous at Amanda's house (behind the
downtown safeway) about 11-ish. B and wait staff at the Ram are rescuing
cups from the landfill and previous to 12th we'll be filling them with
soil and plants. On the 12th we'll ready the plants, the little red
wagons, and the kids to go forth and sell their wares for some cheap
donation price. Money will go to art supplies/ future projects, etc. The
Daffodil Parade starts at 12:45 but there's crowds of people downtown all
Earth Day ideas:
1)Storm the Ram for a few hours and in some organized fashion separate out
all the recyclables, compostables, everything that they are now currently
throwing in the Garbage (even cardboard!!)
This will be a demo to show B's art club kids how to sort and reuse, and a
demo to show the Ram management how much is being thrown out. B's manager
has been open to the demo. We need more adults to help do this, and we
should decide on a time that works well. If not Earth Day, Tuesday, then
perhaps the Sunday Brunch before?
2)Sidewalk Chalk downtown with thank yous. Thank yous for people riding
the sounder, thank yous for the organic cafe, for busstops, whatever. It
will be good for downtown businesses and lighten everyone's day. Needed:
more folks to be involved and think of a good time around earth day to
meet up and do this.
Also, we are now On the Sustainability Map!
http://scallops.sustainableballard.org/Notice that the 'inland' groups are listed below as they're not
technically on the Puget Sound. The 'SCALLOPS' group will be having a
forum the evening of the 12th at the Seattle Greenfest. We're invited to
attend. (So we'll have to decide between post-daffodil bbq or going to