Are you worried about money or food for you or your community?
You're invited to:
"Uncertain Future: A community discussion about our money, our neighborhoods, and our ability to feed ourselves"
Puyallup Public Library, 324 S Meridian,
Thursday, Jan. 29 6:30-8:30pm
Childcare, ASL available, Se Hable Espanol
Randy Hynek, Sumner City Council
Bill Franklin, Puyallup Food Bank
Viki Sonntag, EcoPraxis: Healthy Community Economies
Carrie Little & Cheryl Ouellette, Local Farmers
Elders, speak about the depression & what they see now
You, All your ideas!
For more info, or to volunteer, call 370-9946 or email
To read the article written for this event, click here