What the heck? Site of the new South Hill Farmer's Market!
Help break ground for a revolutionary event.

Sustainable Puyallup is invited to meet at the Sunrise Village Center,
Meridian East @ 156th on South Hill on Earth Day.
Our Market location is the back parking lot and we will gather at noon on
Wednesday! (the 22nd) bring shovels and rakes........We have 20 yards of Tagro
to spread and seeds to plant.
I am still working on my market tree but I am sure that We will have one.
The press will be there to take pictures so bring smiles!!!!!
April Potluck
It’s time again to have our monthly gathering, and think positive for
spring sunshine!
Meeting place is Audrey’s House – for Potluck Dinner and “Garden Design
Idea Swap”
I am wanting to build some raised beds, terrace some sloping land, set up
rain barrels, etc. but would love to have some creative ideas and
information from those of you who have done this before or are experts in
the field (Kelda!)…………I also have entertained the idea of making some of
it a shared garden venture for anyone wanting some ‘growing space’. Come
share your ideas as we collectively design my yard into a more sustainable
place…or discuss your yard and it’s needs.
THURSDAY…..APRIL 23RD, 2009……….5:30 PM TO 7 OR 8?? …..hopefully an outdoor
Call for directions:
Audrey P
HM: 253-848-5251
Cell: 253-988-0967