Here is a summary of some of the ideas that were talked about on Saturday
December 1st at the Organic Comfort Food Cafe
Idea # 1:
Bulletin Board in Downtown- a space for the exchange of information
Possibly made of cob (dirt, sand, clay straw super substance)
eventually rent space downtown to provide a sustainability resource for
Idea #3: Earth Day Celebration in Pioneer Park
Educational Booths
Kids Activities
Music Act
Work Parties
on the same day as the farmers market
Steps to make this happen:
Contact Parks Department to ask permission
Contact Pierce College to see if Environmental or Outreach Coordinators want
to cooperate
Different People take responsibility for putting on a booth/activities
Get the word out: flyers downtown, send home flyers with elementary school
kids (get kids there and parents will follow), contact church communities
Possible activities(some of these not actually discussed on Saturday just
some ideas I have seen done other places):
rain barrel making workshop
recycled junk art projects for kids
easy things the average person can do booth
cob making for kids
clothing exchange
compost workshop
story time
solar power demonstration
green building booth
bicycle bucket making
Idea #4
Sustainable healthy food distribution for the homeless
Monday, December 3, 2007
December Meeting
Congratulations Patty and Family!
and *happy birthday!*
The food is wonderful and we'll all be eating often at Puyallup's new Organic Comfort Food Cafe, located downtown in the Pioneer Park Condos.
Thank you! We've been hungry!
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Low Impact Development Tour of
"The Meadow on the Hylebos''
This was a tour through Pi.Co's Environmental Health Priorities group, although other groups in the last few months have toured the development. Curtis Hinman, Water Quality Program manager, and recent author of a book on raingardens, led the tour. We saw some good (and not so good) examples of raingardens, permeable pavement, and reduced roadways.
Greenmap of the Fair

Greenmap of the Fair
Well, okay, there's not a whole lot, and this post is coming out on the last day of the fair. But it's an idea.
Mostly, 'green' displays and folks were found in two buildings.
Northwest Outdoors: Tahoma Audobon, Pierce Conservation District, Rails to Trails, Native Plant Society, Mt. Rainier, etc.
Agriculture Exhibits: Farmer's Market, Master Gardeners, WSU extension, Fruit Growers, Beekeepers, etc. (the grange displays were bought at the store! not fair) Very unlike the 'Sustainable and Organic' market displays by Cheryl the Pig Lady, Terry's Berries, and Motherearth Farm, which were all grown at the respective farms.
*Wilcox milking barn has info about going Organic
*American Community Energy has photovoltaic panel and solar hot water display (near southern sky chair station).
*Solatubes and Greenhouse info outside NW Outdoors building
as well as Lots of info about raising animals in all their respective barns...
(it's a big fair, I might have missed more...)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Harvest Moon Party!
'Eat Yourself Into a Stupor' party!
On Sept. 25, next Tuesday night, the moon will be fullest, and right after the Autumn Equinox.
Bring food and drinks!(unless you're a food Grower, than bring veggies and you REST while someone else makes the food)
Bring musical instruments!Yes, the backyard firepit will be blazing away*!*!*!**!*!*!
Bring kids!So they can eat grapes, hide in the garden, and take home some gerbils!
Sept 25th (the fair will be over)
6pm to Stupor-time (hammocks available for slumbering)
1018 7th Ave SE, Puyallup (also called Southsound Veggie-oil-car Oasis)
my phone still is: 206-375-1269
Sunday, September 16, 2007
City of Puyallup Latest with the city hall block? there's 40 pages to read. Looks like Kauri does affordable housing though.
Puyallup Public Library Meeting rooms free to non-profits if not used by library at that time.
Projects: There's a 'mingling of the minds', is it any good? First mondays.
Puyallup Rec Center Fairly diverse directory of classes. Possible location for events, like graham learning but focused more on recreation. Not entirely though. Some permaculture classes this winter through health store??
City of Puyallup Parks A community garden yet? What does Ralph have to say?
Chamber of East Pierce County
[+10 best possible playmates+](besides 'puyallup-based environmental')
Puyallup Main Street Association Non-profit heavily supported by member businesses. Revitalizing downtown. Definitely could be sexier!
Projects: Farmer's Market, Meeker Days, Downtown Trick or Treat, Art and Wine Walk, Santa Parade.
Puyallup School District volunteer mentoring in the works....Anybody want a community garden?
Puyallup FreeCycle Yahoo ID needed for sign up. LOTS of free stuff!
Hartman's Fruit Tree Nursery Saturdays or call. I wish I had time to hang out over there more often, learn something...
Daffodil Festival A non-profit corporation run by board members. Heavy school participation, 'best' categories for different floats, as well as a 'traveling float' that goes to other community's parades. Based out of Sumner. Registration between Jan and March. no handouts to crowd!
Pierce County Livable Communities Fair Spring of '08. Contact this fall?
Organic Comfort Food Cafe Now open! In the Pioneer Park Condos just near the park and the coffee shop.
Puyallup Indian Tribe We should talk to them soon..
Foothills Rails to Trails Association Non-motorized trails from Commencement Bay to Mt. Rainier. (most of the trail is in rural county so far). Wednesday lunch meetings at Charlie's in Puyallup. Next newsletter they want a blurb about Sustainable Puyallup networking.
Puyallup Fair
Karshner Museum
Meeker Mansion
Puyallup Antique District Association
Liberty Theater
Puyallup Senior Center
Valley Arts United
Rivers & Sound Review features the work of writers and musicians from Puyallup and and the Puget Sound region.
American Association of University Women- Puyallup ValleyCharitable giving, grants, legislation, sexual harassment resources, bridge club.
Pierce County Democrats Organizational stuff, events, even a 'drinking liberally'. Puyallup meets once a month at library.
To Do: Review issues, energy to them or greens?
Puyallup Lions ClubFireworks stand, daffodil parade, etc. Meets on South Hill.
Puyallup Rotary Rebuilt deck at Northwest Trek, helped 'seattle to portland' cyclists, etc. Meet once a week downtown.
Pierce College Puyallup There are biology and earth science programs, but no environmental focus as far as I could tell. No earthstewardship-type clubs. Although nifty proposal I should follow through with.
Pierce County Envirostars
In Puyallup
*Automotive: 15th St. Automotive, Meridian Collision Center, Buffalo Restorations, Cornforth-Campbell Collision, Denny's Valley Auto Body Inc., Sureway Collision Center
*Dentists: Steve Broughton DDS, Sammy B.D. Pak DDS, Puyallup Valley Dental, Myron Brown DDS (4 stars), Mark J Elmore DDS (4 stars), Robert Radz DDS PS (4 stars)
*Dry Cleaners: Dekoven Cleaners, Malm's Summit Drycleaning and Alteration, Ace Cleaners (4 stars), Fantastic Cleaners (4 stars), Royal Cleaners (4 stars), South Hill Cleaners (4 stars)
*Manufacturers: Maranatha Plating Inc (4 stars)
[++Puyallup (based) Environmental-ish++]
Clark's Creek group? no website?
Pierce Conservation DistrictDecreasing non-point pollution by assisting farmers in implementing Best Management Practices, and testing water quality. 'Stream Team' is the branch that involves public (non-farmer) participation. 'The Tahoma View' newsletter. 'Conservation development self-government' very broad and could be sexier.
American Farmland Trust National farm advocacy group, northwest chapter is in Puyallup, run by Don Stuart. To DO: read newsletters to get latest on local projects
WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources Includes
Biologically Intensive Agriculture & Organic Farming
Climate Friendly Farming
Small Farms Program
Triple BIO--Sustainable Bioproducts, Bioenergy, & BIOAg
Natural Resource Stewardship
Farming & Food System.
Master Beekeeper Classes
Pierce County Master Gardeners Trainings begin in January. Weekly clinic, daily telephone line, free workshops at the demo gardens.
Puyallup Fair Foundation Not a good link for it, just a story, but it seems like sustainability work could fit under their mission to preserve agriculture connection to people through the Fair.
Specialty Structures Prefabricated housing that is committed to sustainable, energy-efficient practices.
Goddess Farm and Massage Closer to Sumner than Puyallup, but amazing vision and site.
Eclectic Candles and Gifts Awesome Puyallup-based cottage industry that supports the environment and one of our families.
Root n Bloom Garden Club Downtown garden club with workshops, gardens at schools, etc. I emailed contact long time ago, should follow up this winter.
Puyallup Valley Gem and Mineral Club Meets twice a month at the Fruitland Grange, rockhounding field trips, organization of Valley Gem Show, etc. Newsletter.
[++Contains resources for Watershed-wide Projects++]
[+Sister groups+]
Friends of Pierce County Empowering residents to preserve and restore their environment and promoting more livable communities...
Notes: $40 membership dues, brochure, newsletter and 'hearing examiner' literature are all available online
Projects: liasion between residents and government process regarding land-use
Graham Self-Reliant Community/ Dirty Hands Bi-monthly gatherings and workparties. They run the Graham community garden.
Puget Sound Climate Issues/ Sustainable Tacoma Environmental Project Series Monthly events and frequent fun planning meetings. They're listserve.
Sidhefire, Intentional Family and Healing Center. in the rural Pierce/Thurston edge.
The Friends of the Carbon Canyon are a group of people committed to the protection and the preservation of the pristine Carbon Canyon area. The Carbon Canyon is northwest of Mount Rainier and includes the unique and ecologically important rainforest north of the Mt. Rainier National Park boundary.
Gig Harbor-Key Peninsula Community Gardens. A network of community gardens in the area. contact Barb
Puyallup River Watershed Council Monthly meetings in Sumner! I wish I could go to more!
Cascade Land Conservancy Based out of Seattle. Land trust, conservation advocacy, student programs, advocacy. Locally, Carbon River Valley Conservation Program (Marsh Farm).
Citizens for a Healthy Bay Non-profit based in Tacoma that monitors and advocates for a healthy bay. Projects: Habitat plantings, education.
We The People of Pierce County A group working to get Pierce County's environmental laws
South Sound Communities Online networking site of groups in South Sound. (Pierce County focused).
Green Tacoma Partnership This Green Tacoma Partnership website is designed to bring together organizations, resources and research in a public forum that is easily accessible for the Tacoma community. Great calendar and networking!
Tahoma Audobon Society The mission of the Tahoma Audubon is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.Very active group. Offices at the Adriana Hess Audobon Center.
Projects:Yahoo group email news updates. Weekly bird walks at Nisqually NWR, as well as other field trips (including Morse in Graham). Book club. Towhee newsletter, as well as 'smart growth' issues, endangered species resources. Educational booth at local events.
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park $11.50 for county residents. Conservation advocates.
Elk Ridge Forest Private Reserve hosts private events on a beautiful 60 acre setting located in the Bonney Lake
Center for Sustainable ForestryPack forest, west of Eatonville. Conference center, research, newsletters, working sustainable forestry site for UW studies. Hiking and even hunting are open to the public.
Puget Sound Fly Fishers Conservation advocates, etc. Meet in Tacoma
Tacoma Mountaineers Mountaineering, hiking, kayaking, etc.
To Do: Meet one of them, should I join to get the inside scoop on local trails?
Pierce County Native Plant Salvage Native Plant Steward training, Jan thru April, at Tacoma Nature Center (although perhaps this winter at northwest trek?) Lots of native plant information on the website.
Forever Green Linking up trails and parks to get a non-motorized access to all Pierce County communities. Many players involved. Is this the best website?
To Do: How do I find out more? Next time I see Kirk.
Pierce County Biodiversity Planning A coalition similar to PRWC, but with a different focus. Wildlife corridor maps, etc. I've contacted for more info.
Puget Creek Restoration Society Although place-based to Puget Creek, a good model of community-involved ecological recovery.
Mt. Rainier National Park Many websites to choose from!
Mt. Rainier National Park Associates Like a 'friends of' group. Work parties for trails, revegetation, 'watchdog' advocacy.
WSU Native Plant Overview Great information source for gardening with native plants in Western Washington.
Nisqually Land Trust Land trust and advocacy for the Nisqually Watershed, which means buying land near Ashford side of Mt. Rainier
Northwest Conservation Act Coalition Puget Sound Energy is an associate member. This group supports networking to make northwest energy sustainable.
Washington Wilderness Coalition Statewide group but with local projects near Park. Good map.
Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition Awesome feature 'what's happening in my backyard' comes up with Puyallup projects: Clark's Creek, Bradley Lake, Knutson, etc.
USGS Water Resources of Washington State
Washington Nature Mapping Awesome! Like an online natural history journal with maps.
To Do: Explore everything this site offers.
Fort Lewis Sustainability Program Intending to follow guidelines to reduce environmental impact. Huh.
South Sound Seed Stewards Meetings are held at Gordon’s Grange in Yelm. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with classes starting at 7 p.m. The first hour is designated as a general garden class, followed by a half hour break for participants to share information and problem-solve regarding various garden issues. The second hour class session is dedicated to specific seed saving information.
Puyallup Farmers Market
Puyallup Farmers Market on YouTube
Tacoma Food Co-op Commitees are working hard! Inside scoop on development and outreach. Learning how for any future one in Puyallup (??)
Emergency Food Network 3 Puyallup food banks? Mother Earth Farm in Orting valley has monthly workparties, though volunteers are always welcome.
Tacoma Gardens also known as BUGS, Bridging Urban Gardens. Will probably be a network for gardens, tilth-like education and advocacy, etc.
Friends of Family Farmers No website, coalition of folks in Pierce to protect farmers and farmland. Project: Harvest Celebration in October.
Waller Road Grange Promotes agriculture and 'country skills' at fairs.
Western Cascade Fruit Society- Tahoma Chapter Meets monthly (first thursday) in Spanaway. Scionwood exchange, etc. Newsletter dealing with different varieties? $20 to join.
Terry's Berries
and the blog
Zestful Gardens
Cheryl the Pig Lady, no website
Take Root Farm
Prana Farms We grow amazing Heirloom produce. Our CSA is up and running, and we hope to continue it year round. Orting, WA
Terra Organics
Westside Gardener Local blog about gardening, mostly food.
Mama's Homegrown। Organic CSA in Graham, no website.
Buds & Shrubs| Organic CSA in Graham, no website. John & Marilynn Pethick 253-847-8958
Primo Grill
The Meat Shop Organic!!
Heirloom Heritage Farms We are a small family run farm raising small conservancy flocks of rare, endangered, heritage and heirloom breeds/varieties of poultry, fowl, and select sheep & goats. Located in Spanaway
Wilcox Organic
[+Social Justice, Cultural+]
Tahoma Organizer The Tahoma Organizer publishes and analyzes news and opinion from a local Tacoma-Pierce County citizen's perspective.
Exit 133 Exit133 is about Tacoma. It's about Real Estate, Politics, the Arts, Urban Development, and the interests of our readers.
Message Magazine A monthly magazine dedicated to inspire, educate, and promote growth in Pierce County.
Evergreen Tacoma
Solutions for Humanity, Community, and the Environment provides sustainable solutions for environmental and social challenges through intellectual exchange, research, and analysis. Puget Sound focused. Ideas?what?
United for Peace Pierce County We nonviolently oppose the reliance on unilateral military actions rather than cooperative diplomacy. Local news!
Centro Latino Latino advocacy group, ESL, citizenship, youth programs, conversation exchange.
To Do: Which latino organization serves Puyallup the most?
If needed to find, this site has more links.
Northwest Institute for Restorative Justice (although not a direct website...couldn't find one)To strengthen the community's ability to repair the damage caused by conflict and crime.
Pierce Transit
Safe Streets Campaign Based in Tacoma and no Puyallup projects I could find at a glance. (except maybe by Meth action team). There could be though
The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation All sorts of charitable giving and receiving.
The Nonprofit Center Tacoma-based non-profit support, how-to's, etc.
Go Local Tacoma Your buying decisions can make a significant difference to our local economy and community.
South Sound Healers Local holistic healthcare, natural living, & green resources.
[+Building and Technology+]
The 'Green' Shop. Eco-friendly products in Gig Harbor to help you conserve and save money. Contact
Tacoma Pierce County Habitat for Humanity No projects in East Pierce County yet, looking for land (when last I checked.)
Rebuilding Together South SoundA local nonprofit, Rebuilding Together Sound Sound volunteers rehabilitate the homes of low-income homeowners who are elderly,
disabled or families with children, providing them with a warm and safe home.
Paint Tacoma/Pierce Beautiful Painting Homes for Needy People in Tacoma and Pierce County.
Tacoma-Pierce Built Green Green Building standards that MBA developers can interpret and implement.
WinSide Technology Tacoma-owned contractors that install energy-efficient windows, etc.
Natural Rainwater Tacoman Dan Borba is our local rainwater guru. Very informative website and resource.
Camp Seymour Living Machine
EnviroHouse Green Building
Northwest Solar Group Meets monthly in Tacoma, each meeting has a speaker/topic and opportunity to meet Pierce County photovoltaic enthusiasts, etc.
Tagro Great soil/fertilizer for sale cheap and they often give away for community projects.
[+Recreation+] (more in 'Watershed-Wide' --> 'Environmental')
Mt. Tahoma Storytelling Guild Meets the last Friday of each month to tell or listen to stories, at the Tacoma Nature Center.
Pioneer Farm Museum Closed winter. Salish or pioneer-themed education, groups especially. Talk to the women
Skookum Archers Membership and volunteer packages. $65 beginners class. $5 day fee. rental?
Tacoma Wheelman's Bicycle Club Although based in Tacoma, very Pierce County oriented in issues and advocacy. Bike Map on it's way! They lead semi-annual bike rides. There are also monthly critical mass, though I don't know if there's info on the internet about it.
Pierce County Fair August 9-12, 2007. Out towards Graham.
[+County Government+]
Solid Waste includes composting
Pierce County Recycling is this for puyallup? what are the contractors and does this matter?
Pierce County Water Programs The mission of the Water Programs Division is to be a responsive service organization that efficiently addresses flood control, water quality, and the preservation of natural drainage systems.