Hello Sustainable Puyallup!!
The Mother Earth News Fair is coming back to the Puyallup
Fairgrounds this weekend! This is a great time to carouse about
sustainability topics in the area.
Check it out here: http://www.motherearthnews.com/fair/Puyallup.aspx Sat June 2nd, 9am-7pm Sun June 3rd, 9am-6pm BOOTH STAFFING: We will have our own booth outside, near-ish the NW Ecobuilding
Guild (remember the awesome workshop space with all the straw
bales?) and our sister groups Self-Reliant Community Graham and
Sustainable Tacoma-Pierce.
Can you help staff the booth? I can get you a free entry to the fair... SETUP: We will be borrowing a pop-up canopy tent and will need some
decorations, chairs, tables, etc. If you can help with any of that,
please let me know. ;)
Ideally we'd assemble a small crew of us who can do setup on Friday
for a half-hour or so.
BIKE TO THE FAIR: There will be a bike ride on both days to the fair, so please meet
up with us and don't worry about parking or traffic at the Fairgounds!
Those rides will start at 10:15 in Sumner, and 10:45 in Puyallup,
then to the Fair. Find more info at the end of this message.
BIKE TOUR AFTER THE FAIR: We'll meet at the Gold Gate after the Fair gets out on both days.
While staffing the booth we'll be encouraging anyone with a bike to
join us on this tour to check out gardens, raingardens, and other
cool things around Puyallup. Riders and toursites are encouraged.
US AT THE FAIR: Of course there'll be ongoing locals activity at the Sustainable
Puyallup booth, I also wanted to highlight some of our members
(people on this email list) who will be hosting workshops.
Wolf College Stage- Saturday Kelda 10-11 "Permaculture Garden Installation" Chris and Kim 2:30-3:30 "Fire by Friction" Chris and Kim 4-5 "Willow and Birch Basketry" Chris and guest 5:30-7 "Wild Edibles Food Cooking" Wolf College Stage-Sunday Kelda 11:30-12:30 "Eat Your Garden Weeds" Chris 1-2 "Parfleche and Hide Tanning" Chris 2:30-3:30 "Bow and Arrow Making" Kim and guest 4-5 "Herbal Medicine Making" Pierce Conservation District Stage-Saturday Andy Bary 11:30-12:30 "Pastured Poultry" Pierce Conservation District Stage-Sunday Sarah Wilcox 1-2 "Farmlink" Terry Carkner, etc 2:30-3:30 "CSAs from Established and
New Farmer's Perspectives"
Terry Carkner 4-5 "Season Extensions with High Tunnels" I'm sorry if I missed any others of us that are hosting workshop!
Please correct me!
:) also don't forget our Facebook group, where lots of action
tends to happen:
http://www.facebook.com/groups/58932492152/ Thanks folks! You're making Puyallup an awesomer place to live! Kelda 253-370-9946 |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Mother Earth News Fair 2012!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
has been awesome.
Tonight we're meeting at Lydia's to discuss Twelve-by-Twelve. It's a really great book!
This winter we've also read Made from Scratch, Harvest for Hope, and Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology. What a great group of people and how fun to be learning together!!!
If you'd like to get involved, want info about tonight's meeting, and someone is forgetting to post regularly here, check the Sustainable Puyallup facebook page. Someone usually creates an 'event' for each bookclub meeting.
Monday, August 1, 2011
August Newsletter
• Sustainable Puyallup’s Mid-Summer Potluck
Come celebrate the season by gathering together to share our harvest. Everyone is welcome to join in the festivities. It will be a great time to share our gardening experiences, problem solve our struggles, and congregate with like minded people.
Date: August 19th, 2011
Time: 6:00-9:00 pm
Location: 1120 7th Ave. S.W. Puyallup, WA. 98371
Host: Tiffany McGill & Amanda Wendt
• WSU Master Gardener Program is hosting “Summer Garden Talk’s.” On August 6th from 10am-12, the class: Saving the Harvest will discuss canning, freezing and drying produce with a panel of experts. The Master Gardener Garden is located in Puyallup where Fruitland Ave. meets Pioneer Way. http://county.wsu.edu/pierce/mg/Documents/2011GardenTalks.pdf
Jubilee Naturals is offering the following two classes FREE! They are sure to fill up fast! The store is located at: 909 Main Street #1 Sumner WA 98390
August,18th - 9:00 to 11:00AM
Offering tools for raising healthy, smart, and active kids. Topics will include risks to kids from GMOs, allergies and intolerances, good behavior without drugs, nutritious foods, supplement tips and building strong immune systems. The class will run generally an hour and a half with a half hour set aside for Q and A.
August, 20th - 8:00 to 10:00AM
Learn about all the things that challenge our immune systems. Receive information and tools you can put to use to combat flu, mold, virus, bacteria, infection, food poisoning and more. Nature has a lot to offer! This is a good class for anyone who travels, works indoors with others, and for students heading off to college who want to learn nature's way to stay well. (Especially if you are going to live in a dorm!)
Call Kim to Register: 1-253-447-7921 or email info@jubileenaturals.com
• Seed saving Retreat Weekend at the Wild Thyme Farm with Marisha Auerbach and Forest Shomer
Friday August 26 - Sunday, August 28. 7 pm Friday - 3 pm Sunday
Wild Thyme Farm Oakville, WA (outside of Olympia, WA)
$160, if registered by 7/22 - early bird discount
$175, if registered by 8/12
$200, if registered after 8/12
This workshop has an active hands-on component. You will be saving lots of different varieties of seeds and each participant will go home with a small collection gathered from this event. Please join us to learn about how to select and save seeds from your garden.
For more information, or to register, contact Marisha Auerbach at
(503) 454-6656 or queenbee@herbnwisdom.com
• Tacoma's 2nd annual Permaculture Design Course:
With a focus on Urban Issues and Advanced Design. Permaculture is a solutions-oriented approach to sustainable living. It honors diverse earth-based traditions while nurturing a positive vision of our collective future.
Eight weekends spread between September 2011 and February 2012
When: Fridays 7-9pm, Saturdays & Sunday 10am-5pm on the following weekends 9/9-11, 9/23-25, 10/7-9, 11/4-6, 12/2-4, 1/14-16, 2/3-5, 2/17-19. Where: Most Friday evenings: Kings Book's, 218 St. Helens, Tacoma
Weekends: First Congregational, 918 Division, Tacoma. Contact: Patricia 253-565-2599 Childcare available: we're still working out details.
Tuition: $900- $700 (sliding scale) includes handbook and lunches. Some work trades available. sustainabletacomapierce@gmail.com
Urban Sustainable Living Magazine - the Urban Farm Magazine: “We've put together a list of 5 catalog companies that specialize in heirloom and organic seed with easy links to order their catalogs for free. Because of the high demand for these types of seeds, you'll need to place your order soon, many varieties sell out quickly. These catalogs are also chock full of information about unique heirlooms with pictures that will have you trying new things in your kitchen garden.”
Get Involved:

There are many ways you can help us have a successful gleaning season: Become a Gleaner, Register your Fruit Tree, Scout Trees, or Plant an Extra Row. http://www.piercecountygleaningproject.org/get_involved
To help us fight hunger and get more produce into Pierce County Food Banks.
Plant of the month:
Purple Sprouting Broccoli is featured in July’s Special Issue of grow: Fine Gardening’s Guide to Vegetable Gardening magazine, as one of their northwest regional picks of the month. “This is an excellent vegetable that will supply you with produce for a good part of the year;” says Carey Thornton at Seattle Tilth. Plant in late July, early August for harvest in March-May in the pacific northwest. Easier to grow than annual broccoli, the extremely cold-hardy biennial plants must over winter before heading. Tall 24–36 inch plants are covered with smallish, very sweet tasting purple heads that turn green when cooked. Purple Sprouting is a delicious mainstay of the family spring food supply. The heads of purple sprouting broccoli are much less densely packed than regular broccoli. Because of their purple color, they contain antioxidants, commonly known as anti-cancer causing agents. http://store.finegardening.com/grow-vol-6-044035.html
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Summer Kickoff Potluck

We had many visitors stop by our booth at the Mother Earth News Fair this past weekend and hope to see some new faces this Friday. As always friends and family are welcome. Hope to see you there!
If you haven't already please follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_58932492152
Thursday, April 14, 2011
House: 511 2nd St SE Puyallup. 253-218-8019
Friday 4/22/11 6:30
Children and friends of course are Welcome!
Gearing up again! Spring 2011 Updates

Hi all!
So after a bit of hibernation we're hearing some rustlings of activity.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY/ INTERNSHIP: We'd love it if someone could regularly compile area events and update the blog, facebook group, and send out a newsletter type email. I nominate anyone besides myself.
Upcoming events:
Free permaculture class at my place on April 15th
Wolf camp classes starting up over by Clark's Creek park
Puyallup Farmer's Market starts this weekend
Sumner: lots of activity with Chemical Plant kick-out efforts, Orton Junction boo-hissing etc. No website yet (ANOTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY)
Whispers of a potluck Earth Day night. Let's call it an 'Earth Night' party. More info soon.
drum roll....
Mother Earth News Fair taking over the Puyallup Fairgrounds June 4-5!!!
We've been given a complimentary booth and are invited to participate at all sorts of levels.
If you'd like to help with:
Educational Displays
Artsy 'Look and Feel' to booth
Scheduling people to 'staff' the booth
Growth Management Display
Puyallup Sustainability Bike Ride
Please email puyallup@riseup.net and we'll get you to work.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
From Ali & John, our new
heroes for buying and saving
Filbert Acres. Hip hip hooray!:
"Hello future-friends!
Jonathan and I are happy to
invite you to a Sustainable
Puyallup meeting at our house
next Thursday evening
(Feb 4th) for a potluck! We hope
to start around 6pm. We are at
Filbert Acres, 6625 Pioneer Way
East(Watson’s nursery is to the
west of us and WSU extension and the
salmon hatchery to the east.) So come with all your
sustainable thoughts and a good appetite. We’ll provide
Look forward to meeting you all.
Ali Nichols"
Tacoma's first Permaculture Design Course! One weekend
a month for 8 months.
With certain Lectures open
to the public
See you at the potluck!